Monday, August 10, 2009

Company Profile

GEOTech International
Company Profile
Lot 11, Level 11, Taipei 101,
F/3ADD G, Shi Fu Road 45F/ 3,
Xinyi District, Taipei,

Tel: (05) 45454545, 55558888 Fax: (05) 22424244

GEOTech International, properly known as Global Engineering Operations & Technology International, is a global engineering company which expertise in numerous projects of construction and manufacturing, namely constructing cars, buildings, designing bridges, manufacturing prototype machines for movies and aiding in the growth of IT (Information & Technology) development.
For our company, the birth of GEOTech was materialized under unique circumstances. A vast majority of our company management consists of geophysicists, and the stand out point for geophysicists is that although geology is our main field, we are closely associated with engineering as well. Hence the decision to assign GEOTech as our company name was made, and we’re always in contact with associates and clients from all around the world, thus “Global Engineering Operations”.
GEOTech has been operating for almost a decade now, and has been led by Prof. Alex Ling Tieu Onn as the CEO of the company. Dr Jayme, Dr. Jong and Dr. Vivian are the partners that make up the core management for the company. Our company consists of two designers, Dr. Vivian and Dr. Jayme, along with three contractors, Prof. Alex and Dr. Jong. Dr, Vivian, Dr. Jayme and Dr. Jong all originate from Malaysia whilst Prof. Alex is from China. Prof. Alex is a very experienced engineer that has achieved a lot in his career, associating with numerous big companies and having clients from modern cities all around the globe like New York and London. The full company management with the respective profile will be on the page that follows.

Prof. Alex Ling Tieu Onn (Msc Engineering (Chemical, Manufacturing) Msc Economics, Msc Law, PhD Science (Geography) University of Cambridge, UK, 1992, Bsc. Hons. Quantum Mechanics, University of Oxford, UK, 1997.

- Founder & CEO

Dr. Vivian Liong Wei Yun (MSc Engineering (Transportation, civil), University of Civil Engineering-Sofia, Bulgaria , 1990, Bsc science (Geophsyics), Curtin university of technology, 1990-Perth, Australia

- Director of Communications

Dr. Jayme Lee Yen-Fung (MSc Engineering (Chemical, gas), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States , 1994, Bsc science (Geophysics), University of Western Australia, 1995-Perth, Australia

- Treasurer

Dr. Jong Vui Khiong (MSc Engineering (Communications, IT), University of Oxford, UK, 1990, Bsc science (Geophysics), University of Western Australia, 1994-Perth, Australia
- Secretary

GEOTech International strives to design, contract, innovate and invent cutting edge ground-breaking projects particularly in the construction, design and automobile industries utilizing latest advances in technology and engineering to achieve this goal and also to be the best international engineering company in the modern world. Furthermore, we are making sure that all our products are in top notch quality with after-market services like warranty of the products. We have also been doing well in controlling the quality of our products.

GEOTech International utilizes up to date technology with advanced machineries in producing all the products, thus making sure that the quality of the products is high, and can be produced in a short amount of time. These high end technologies also provide safety assurances to our worker whist in the midst of production, reducing the possible risks as much as possible.
Aside from our main designers like Dr. Vivian and Dr. Jayme, we also have numerous designers that can produce unique and appropriate designs to satisfy our clients. In addition we also aid other companies with our expertise in designing with professional recommendations on designs.
Furthermore, the materials that are used in the completion of the products are of high quality, which will make sure that long term sustainability of them, especially the likes of buildings and bridges. The safety of our customers will always be our main target. Last but not least, GEOTech International manages the wastes from our projects in a proper manner, making sure that we are always environment friendly and our projects do not affect any other things. To put things straight, all these are done to ensure high quality for all terms and provide the best possible product under the best possible condition.

- We built the prototype version of the first hybrid car, PattyWagon.
- We have collaborated with Global Works International to participate in the completion of Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
- We have aided in the construction of terminator models in the Terminator movies, dating back to Terminator 1, 2, 3 and Salvation series.
- We have completed an enhanced model of the GPS (Global Positioning System), with better and efficient new functions.
- We were one of the international companies that took part in the completion of Beijing’s Bird’s Nest Stadium.
- We designed and constructed our very own company building, and the world’s tallest building to date, the Taipei 101.

- We are currently building Burj Dubai, a construction wonder which will be the tallest building, surpassing Taipei 101 upon completion.
- We are collaborating with directors and designers of the upcoming movie G.I Joe: Rise of Cobra to design and complete the suits which are going to be utilized by the stars in the movie.
- We are building and supplying Air Asia with Airbuses to aid their flight efficiency.

- We are looking forward to the completion and smooth functioning of Project Natal, a very advanced system for realistic future gaming.
- We are going to participate actively in “The Dark Knight 2” movie, designing and building the Bat Mobile and Dark Knight’s suit, providing the movie with a new taste of technology.
- We are one of the global companies involved in the completion of Liverpool FC’s new football stadium.

To further boost our company’s growth, we are currently targeting several audiences to be our client in the foreseeable future, most notably in industries such as construction, manufacturing, aerospace, automobile, entertainment and communications. The satisfaction of our clients in our projects will be our main priority at all costs and we are open to all kinds of criticism and praise, using them to improve the way our company operates.
For the upcoming year we are planning to start associate ourselves with the crops plantation industry, specializing in aiding rural people with their harvest. We have recently acquired sufficient budgets and several new chemical engineers which will inevitable help our course in this industry.
Our audience:
1) Construction industry
2) Manufacturing industry
3) Aerospace industry
4) Automobile industry
5) Entertainment industry
6) Communications industry
7) Crops plantation industry

- We have been nominated and chosen for the Charles Stark Draper Prize for three consecutive years from 2005 to 2007.
- Beating two other well known international companies en route to achieving the Engineering Excellence Award in 2008.
- 1st place in the World’s Most Innovative Design Award.
- We are awarded the South African Institute of Steel Construction (SAISC) “Special Commendation” for excellence in the Application of Structural Steel in the construction of Ikwezi Station, Soweto in the capacity of Structural Engineers.
- In 2004, we won the SAICE Branch Award for the most outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement for the Category of Technical Excellence for Mooi-Mgeni River Transfer Scheme (Phase II) (MMTS-1)

For any other enquires, please feel free to contact GEOTech International via the following hotline: (05) 45454545